Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Work in Progress for Original Character

Unfortunately, I didn't stop to think to take a work in progress screenshot of my original character until I got the worksheet informing me to do so, and by that time the character was well done and I was almost done with the background.

Here's a small picture of my mad scientist without the background. (His nose is a little bit hard to see, but it's there)

I got to the idea to creat a mad scientist while I began my bookworm character. I started to make eyelids for my bookworm's eyes and they came out slanted, looking a bit evil. I could have easily rotated them to fit my bookworm's nice demeanor but I really liked the evil look, and a mad scientist was just the first thing that came to mind.

The whole image kind of just flowed from there.

Some of the problems I came across were getting the face and boots to the right shape. Apparently I'm not good at moving anchor points on shapes because I kept getting weird overlapping loops and other strange things while I was just trying to make the bottom of his face smaller. The shoes actually worked out a bit more easily but I still got odd overlapping loops.

Sometimes the layering was a bit annoying and it took forever to get the shapes to where I wanted them by "sending them back", etc, but it wasn't hard to fix.

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